riFuse 2.0

Our in-house developed digital power distribution unit for electrical systems for vehicles and machines in demanding environments has now received a sequel.
riFuse 2.0.

The new version has more outputs, can handle higher currents, generates less heat and has several new functions such as motor control and analog inputs.

Higher performance and more functions

Compared to traditional relay/fuse cabinets, riFuse 2.0 provides simpler cabling, increased diagnostics and better safety with lower maintenance costs as a result. It is easily configured, which means that its function can change if the vehicle/machine control system changes, which is a clear advantage compared to traditional solutions. The device does not require access, which means it can be placed virtually anywhere on the machine. Its environmental durability also allows it to be placed close to the consumers.

With its function of controlling output currents through PWM, riFuse 2.0 can be used to control the power output of devices and, for example, regulate the speed of motors or dim lighting. riFuse 2.0 also has a dedicated H-bridge to effectively control the speed of motors in both the forward and reverse directions.

The analog and digital inputs can be used to retrieve input signals to the machine’s control system, which also simplifies cabling as a consumer can be both supplied with power and read by riFuse.

riFuse is available in two versions. One version is directly backwards compatible and replaces riFuse 1.0 in existing system designs.

To find out more about riFuse 2.0, please contact Lars Olsson on +46 70 261 04 20.


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